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Real World Software Development

Prijs: € 30,-

113 keer bekeken • Status: Actief

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  • Soort boek:
  • Paperback

Real-World Software Development.

Auteur O’Reilly – English – 184 pag. – 9781491967171 - Paperback

Explore the latest Java-based software development techniques and methodologies through the project-based approach in this practical guide. Unlike books that use abstract examples and lots of theory, Real-World Software Development shows you how to develop several relevant projects while learning best practices along the way.

With this engaging approach, junior developers capable of writing basic Java code will learn about state-of-the-art software development practices for building modern, robust and maintainable Java software. You'll work with many different software development topics that are often excluded from software develop how-to references.

Featuring real-world examples, this book teaches you techniques and methodologies for functional programming, automated testing, security, architecture, and distributed systems.

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