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Janet Dailey : Aspen gold.

Prijs: € 6,50

63 keer bekeken • Status: Actief

Janet Dailey : Aspen gold.

Een forse paperback.

When kit masters left aspen to start her hollywood career, she was escaping from a sleepy old western town - and some bitter memories. Now both kit and her home town have changed beyond recognition. Aspen has become the fabulous mountain playground of the rich, the beautiful and the famous - and kit has become one of them. She was alsays beautiful. Now, with her father*s legacy, she is sitting on a goldmine. And after ten years in hollywood she is famous. So famous that she is filming in aspen with john travis, superstar of the decade, a man that no-one can resist... But kit*s return to aspen reawakens the painful past. Amidst the glittering jet-set, kit finds herself alone - and torn. She must make a painful choice; between the present and the past, between her career and her roots, between a new romance and a long-lost love...

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