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Sidney Sheldon : the best laid plans.

Prijs: € 4,-

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Sidney Sheldon : the best laid plans.

Paperback warner books. Engelstalig.

He wanted power. She wanted revenge. Dear diary : this morning i met the man I am going to marry. That declaration sets leslie steart on a destiny she could never have imagined. For she is engaged to oliver russel, a man fated to rise to the pinnacle of world power, the office of the president of the united states. And, in the aftermath of the shattering betrayal that follows, leslie will amass her own towering media empire, dedicated to a single purpose - the downfall of oliver russel, on the eve of his most dazzling triumph. From sidney sheldon, the unchallenged master of bestselling fiction, comes a story of blazing ambitions and thwarted love that enthralls and surprises with every page...

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